My future job (?)


It is difficult for me to think about future situations, as I believe that everything can change at any time. In spite of that, at this moment one of the things I would like to do in the future is to get a job that is related to the cultural area, which is the area where I would like to work from my career, Journalism. In spite of this, I must admit that it would make me very happy to write other things, things not so journalistic and perhaps more related to creative writing, such as stories, poems, tales, etc. In the cultural area, I imagine myself working in some cultural center like M100, the GAM, contributing in this area, either managing or right in the area of communications. I like that it is something beyond being in an office, but that there is a lot of interaction with different people in order to manage events.

Another thing I would like to do in the future, if I had the possibility, would be to travel somewhere else, either a different country or another city in Chile.
